2025年 アンドリュー・ロイド・ウェーバーのカンパニーによる「オペラ座の怪人」イマーシブシアターが開始予定!
2月13日付で「Did you think that I had left you for good?(あなたは私が永遠に去ったと思っていましたか?)」と記された画像が投稿されています。
@sweatyoracle WILD Broadway Tea: IMMERSIVE Phantom Of the Opera WILL NOT Be Like Sleep No More?!?!?!#Broadway #thephantomoftheopera #phantomoftheopera #andrewlloydwebber #immersiveexperience #musicaltheatre #broadwaytiktok #broadwaytok #theatrekid #theatre #theatretiktok #theatretok #sweatyoracle #foryou #fyp ♬ original sound – sweaty oracle
Here’s some Exclusive Broadway Off Broadway Tea about Andrew Lloyd Webber’s immersive Phantom of the Opera that’s going to be opening off Broadway something that I have been excitingly bringing you exclusives on for over two years at this points.
Let’s talk about how this show is going to operate because it’s not going to operate anything like “Sleep No More” operated which I think was the presumption from a lot of us for a long time and the price.
Let’s just get the price out of the way real quick. It’s gonna be expensive start saving up.
Saving up theater kids is what people who don’t have trust funds have to do to go see shows in New York City because I hear tickets are going to start at about $200 which is very expensive but you will be getting in my opinion a lot more than you get in a Broadway show I don’t wanna say the price is justified right now because people can’t afford cereal and eggs at the same time but this does feel like from how it’s been described to me an extremely premium product for this price, and if something is going to be priced this high I want the premium of the product to be just as high.
So let’s talk about how this show is going to operate plans leaked last year of for the city of this production, and we learned that this was going to be a four story experience really five story experience if you count the two level roof.
昨年、この公演の開催都市に関する計画がリークされましたが、私たちはこれが 4 階建ての体験になるだろうと知りました。2 階建ての屋根を含めると、実際には 5 階建ての体験になります。
I think a lot of people looked at show plans and thought this was going to operate like “Sleep No More” where you have free rein of the building as a guest once you get inside of it and can basically go into any room and follow any cast member you want and that could not be further from the truth you will be seeing an immersive but narrative production of “Phantom of the Opera” let me try to explain how this will work because it’s a little bit complicated.
This is just the rumor again that was described to me.
Let’s say you have a ticket to go to this production at 7:00.
You get there and you experience the first scene and then you’re led to the next floor of the experience. Once you’re led to the next floor of the experience,another group of guests who have an 8:00 ticket are led into that first floor and the entire show starts over again with a new cast.
7:00 にこの公演に行くチケットを持っているとします。
会場に到着して最初のシーンを体験し、次のフロアに案内されます。 次のフロアに案内されると、8:00 のチケットを持っている別のゲストグループが 1 階に案内され、ショー全体が新しいキャストで再び始まります。
I’m hearing six people are cast the Phantom in “Phantom of the Opera” and these are names you know mostly these are people who did “Phantom of the Opera on Broadway these are people that you know from Broadway which means there are six Christines, six of the manager, six of Raouls and understudies and standbys and ensemble because that cast will move with each time slot from floor to floor and then a new cast will start with each new time slot.
「オペラ座の怪人」の怪人役は 6 人と聞いていますが、これらはほとんど皆さんが知っている名前で、ブロードウェイで「オペラ座の怪人」を演じた人たちです。ブロードウェイで皆さんが知っている人たち、つまり、クリスティーヌが 6 人、マネージャーが 6 人、ラウルが 6 人、代役、スタンバイ、アンサンブルが 6 人いるということです。なぜなら、キャストは各時間帯ごとにフロアを移動し、新しい時間帯ごとに新しいキャストがスタートするからです。
It’s confusing. It’s a stage manager’s nightmare.
I have to imagine that the stage management team for this production if they’ve been hired yet and I hope they have so they can already be working on this are already losing a crazy amount of sleep over how complicated of an endeavor this is going to be but I do think this is a smart and bold way to run this show in satisfying way for all audience members because I did always wonder why somebody would want to be a the manager’s office with the managers when they could be in the basement while the “Phantom of the Opera” title song was sung. you know what I mean?
and besides that I think that’s enough tea from Immersive Phantom from now I think it should hold some of its mystery because I’ve heard this is going to be one of the most expensive audacious and ambitious theatrical projects in musical theater history if not the most this is going to make Spider Man Turn Off the dark look like a safe bet financially it’s going to make it look like The Lion King by Disney on Broadway with how much money is being spent on Immersive Phantom this is going to be a first class product there’s going to be a full scale auditorium unlike the second or third floor with a full mezzanine and space to drop the chandelier Andrew Lloyd Webber’s cooking with heat finally and the man’s not messing around he’s back on his musicals about trains big over the top stuff and we love to see it and that’s your Broadway Tea about Off Broadway’s Immersive “Phantom of the Opera.”
それに、イマーシブ ファントムについては、これで十分だと思います。このミュージカルには、謎が残っているはずです。ミュージカル史上、最も、いや、最も、とまではいかなくても、最も費用がかかり、大胆で野心的な劇場プロジェクトになると聞いています。これで、スパイダーマン ターン オフ ザ ダークが、経済的に安全な賭けに見えるようになるでしょう。イマーシブ ファントムにどれだけのお金が費やされているかを考えると、ブロードウェイのディズニーのライオン キングのように見えるでしょう。これは一流の作品になるでしょう。2 階や 3 階とは違い、完全な中二階とシャンデリアを吊るすスペースを備えた本格的な講堂が設けられるでしょう。アンドリュー ロイド ウェバーがついに熱く料理をします。彼は、ふざけているのではなく、電車に関する大げさなミュージカルに戻ってきました。私たちはそれを見るのが大好きです。これが、オフ ブロードウェイのイマーシブ「オペラ座の怪人」に関するブロードウェイのティーです。
If you have Broadway Tea you can use that email right there and you will always remain anonymous.
Start saving up now if you don’t have your trust funds because I think this is going to be the rare New York City premium theater ticket.
That is worth the price. It will be charting its audience.
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